C&S Buyer's Guide

C&S BUYER'S GUIDE: MicroProcessor Systems Programming

Comet Electronics LLC
2405 Nicholson Ave
Kansas City, MO 64120

Genesis Technologies, Inc.
5812 South 129th E. Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74134

Herzog Technologies, Inc.
860 Airport Freeway, Suite 300
Hurst , TX 76054

Hitachi Rail STS USA, Inc
1000 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
KB Signaling
641 Lexington Avenue, 28th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Prover Technology
146 Oak Shade Lane
Novato, CA 94945

RIOTECH, Rio Grande Pacific Technology, an RGPC Cpmpany
6100 Southwest Blvd., Suite 300
Fort Worth, TX 76109

Tracsis US
, Building 900A
Fairport, NY 14450

Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc. is a trade association serving the communication and signal segment of the rail transportation industry.